Environmental Action
of WNC
Creating opportunities to experience the outdoors, respond to climate challenges, and promote a resilient mountain environment in Western North Carolina
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Plastics And the Threat to Human Health:
A new Film Documentary
The recently released Canadian documentary - “Plastic People” will be shown at 7 pm Friday, September 13 at First United Methodist Church, 566 Haywood Street, Waynesville.
Sponsored by the Environmental Action Community of WNC (EAC), the film debuted to international attention at the Austin, Texas SXSW (South by South-West) Film Festival and was prominently featured in the New York Times.
The panel discussion begins at 6:30 pm and the film will begin at 7:00 pm. Featured on the panel are Haywood Waterways Executive Director, Preston Jacobsen, and Western Carolina University Professor Jerry Miller, presenting their findings on microplastics in Haywood County creeks and rivers; physician Christine Mauck, MD, MPH from Asheville discussing the impact of microplastics on human health; and Sarah Ogletree, MDiv, Director of Creation Care Alliance, introducing actions being launched in our region now to tackle the problem of plastics here.
There is no charge for admission to the event. Donations are welcome.
"Returning Campsites to the Wild"
Lake Fontana Cleanup funded by a generous grant from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)​
September 20 & 28, 2024
EAC is partnering with local students and adult volunteers who are passionate about protecting the environment. Participants will work together to clean up coves and informal campsites at Lake Fontana. This initiative allows adults to serve as role models for students, fostering teamwork and environmental stewardship. The effort leaves everyone feeling proud of their contribution to preserving our natural surroundings. The event is made possible through the TVA's "Reservoir and Community Cleanup" Grant.
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Next Bag Making Day
September 16, 2024; 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Come any part of or all day
email: info@eacwnc.org for location and details
Commercial Composting has Come to Haywood County!
Needed: 50 Households or Businesses to Sign Up