Building a sustainable WNC region takes a team.
Get inspired and get involved!

What work does EAC do for the community?
We work to build a healthy community by reducing pollutants in our mountain water, land, and air.
A longstanding initiative has been to find ways to eliminate single use plastics like grocery bags. Actions include our Bring Your Own Bag Haywood campaign to make and distribute reusable bags to shoppers all over the county as well as teach school children about the problem of plastics; to urge our businesses to switch to reusable dishes, utensils and paper products for dining and carry out through our Green Business Initiative; and to increase recycling wherever possible. And commercial composting has come to Haywood County turning garbage into reusable soil.
We support efforts to increase solar energy usage, electric vehicles, and charging stations.
Our planet is experiencing a dramatic change in its climate from the excessive amount of CO2 or greenhouse gases generated primarily from the burning of oil, gas, and coal or fossil fuels. We work to support efforts to increase solar installations in our homes, businesses, and other buildings as well as increasing the availability of electric vehicle chargers to support the transition to electrically fueled transportation. We do this thru information sessions and public events offered to the community as well as advocating for government responses and programs to make the switch to renewable energies. Increasing energy efficiency in homes and businesses is also a high priority to lower utility bills for everyone.
We are dedicated to protecting and preserving the wild lands across our beautiful region.
Being in the outdoors thru activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, and water activities can cultivate deep respect for our environment…and its fun! We combine these activities with care for our mountains now—lake and creek clean ups, creation care camps for children, restoration of natural habitat, removing invasive plants and planting gardens to attract pollinators. Our youth work especially draws on these activities: through Youth Climate Conservation Corps, and partnering with youth at our churches, school system and area community colleges. This work also provides development of skills for future needs of our planet.
Which EAC teams lead these efforts?

3 R's
From reducing, reusing, recycling and more, to composting education - this Team can always use volunteers to address the problem of plastics and related issues.

Sustainable Energy
Through educational workshops, exhibitions, and other opportunities, this Team increases knowledge on reducing your carbon footprint.

Environmental Education & Action
Public events & programs, lake & stream cleanups, hosting a children's day camp, school partnerships and more happen through grants and fundraisers.

Writers Group
Communication is key to promoting the ways to get involved environmentally in our community and beyond. Find our articles in local newspapers and our blog.

Outdoor Adventure
Experiencing, exploring, and enjoying nature is a wonderful way to build awareness for the environment around us. Respect, connection, and commitment spark from there.

The Youth Climate Conservation Corps features a dynamic team of youth and partners that work to beautify, clean, and build respect for our outdoor spaces.

Other Initiatives
Removing invasive plants
Restoring natural habitat
Environmental trash clean-ups
Summer camp opportunities